Geomancy, divination method, helps you find the way and make important decisions.
Geomancy, from Ancient Greek geōmanteía translates literally to "foresight by earth"; it is a translation of the Arabic term ‛ilm al-raml, or the "science of the sand". Earlier Greek renditions of this word borrowed the word raml ("sand") directly, rendering it as rhamplion or rabolion. Other Arabic names for Geomancy include khatt al-raml and darb al-raml.
Being an ancient method, based on understanding conditions, people and things that surround you, can be used to act properly in otherwise hard-to-decide situations or to better understand things and happenings that can otherwise drive a person crazy.
This app will do its' best to let you peek into your positions and opportunities regarding geomantic reading you provide while concentrated on a specific matter, subject or situation. Remember, the purpose of Geomancy is to give advices, shed new light on misty occasions and help you make decisions, not to tell you the future or exactly what to do.
Used properly, Geomancy can be your very reliable guide in everyday life or during important turnovers.
For questions, troubleshooting and assistence please send an E-Mail to
The Magic of Geomancy Development Team [[email protected]]
and explain what troubles you.
We will be glad to answer your questions and solve eventual problems! :-)
If you feel that casting a spread and interpreting your own reading using our mobile app is not enough to get answers you need, feel free to write us an e-mail (use contact e-mail, subject "personal reading") and ask for help. Tell us about your problem, question, crossroad or dilemma, and we will contact you back; based on further contact we will cast a spread for you and create very detailed personal reading with special focus on your specific matter. Then we will send you results and detailed situation description, followed with opinion and advice.